The Ultimate Christmas Cheat Sheet

Christmas brings with it a complete change of routine. The kids are off school, social events are on the up, Christmas goodies are tempting you everywhere you turn and there’s a million things to buy, prepare and do!

With so much on, it’s no wonder that many of us put health and fitness on the back burner, promising to deal with it in the New Year. But it doesn’t have to be this way. I’m going to show you 7 little changes that will have you enjoying a fun, guilt-free Christmas.

1. Get your exercise done early!

When everything else is crying out for attention, it can be hard to slot your training in. So my advice is: get it done first thing. There’s something really awesome about getting up before the kids and completing a workout. If you can’t face the gym or the road, try a simple indoor workout such as this. SEE PICTURE ABOVE

2. Offer to drive.

One good way of ensuring you don’t drink your calories is to offer to be designated driver. Your friends will thank you and once committed you can’t change your mind! Plus you’ll feel so chuffed when you’re not nursing a hangover the next morning!

3. Eat, properly.

The problem with parties or nights out is that they often don’t include a clear plan regarding food. So you meet at 8pm (or 6.30pm if you’re avoiding bedtime routines, like I do) chat away for a couple of hours and then order a dozen sharing plates which you devour because you’re starving.

Find out beforehand what the plan for food is and ensure you eat, properly.

  1. If it’s a sit down meal, check online before you go so that you can make good choices while motivation is high.
  2. If it’s just drinks, eat a proper meal before you go out.
  3. If it’s a buffet or nibbles, use a plate to make your choices and then move away from the food. Snacking on crisps and spring rolls all night adds up to a lot of calories that contain zero nutrients.

4. Drink water.

Come on ladies, we all know this one. ALWAYS have a glass of water with your beverage of choice, And actively drink from it!

5. The morning after.

Alcohol plus a late night will almost certainly have you feeling fragile the next morning. But you HAVE to get straight back in the game… My top tip is to have a really awesome breakfast. I know you’ll probably feel like having another 10 mins in bed instead of breakfast. But let’s face it, 10 mins is not going to make you feel any better. A good breakfast on the other hand, WILL – I guarantee it.

My favourite is scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. And a slice of toast. Coffee, and lots of water…

6. Cheat!

OK, so let’s face it. Nutrition won’t be at its best right now. So, cheat! Supplements are a great way to boost your vitamin intake and uplift your immune system. It’s not perfect but it’ll help.

Here’s my top 3 supplements:

  • Greens supplement: You might not be getting enough green veg so simply take a dose of a greens supplement to boost your daily intake. My favourite is Greens Superfood Complex by Lean and Green Nutrition (available on Amazon).
  • Vitamin D: Short days, a sun that is super low in the sky and being wrapped up from head to toe means we probably aren’t getting enough Vitamin D through sun exposure. The fix is simple and available at your local pharmacy. It’s an immediate boost to your immune system and will hopefully prevent you from getting the dreaded Christmas cold!
  • Probiotics: We’ve heard about good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria have a vital role in supporting body processes like digestion and immunity. And you can support them by eating fermented foods such as yoghurt, kefir and quark. But the truth is you’re more likely to be eating brown food than live food right now. So it’s a good idea to support your gut through a supplement. My favourite is Nutri Advanced Probiotic Plus, again available from Amazon.

7. And finally, relax…

Stress hinders weight loss. And there’s plenty to be stressing about at Christmas time anyway. So don’t let weight loss and fitness be another stressor. Do your best by following the tips above, but accept the fact that your regime will be disrupted. You may even put on a pound or two. But it’ll mostly be transient matter anyway: extra food making its way through, water retention, bloating…

So have some fun!

Christmas comes but once a year.

Thank goodness!


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