

Winter Kit List

Let’s start with shoes… It will get wet and muddy so you will need something that has a good grip. Trail shoes are recommended because


Get Strong… You’ll like it

Strength training is important. I bang on about it. Muscle mass. Bone density. You know. But what we don’t talk about enough is that it just


Knowing is half the battle

Or is it? If you have ever watched GI Joe – an American cartoon hero from the 80s – this catchphrase might sound familiar. He

Weight Loss

The Truth about of Fat Loss: Understanding the Hierarchy

The oft-quoted maxim for the fitness industry is “move more – eat less” to lose fat. But, for a change, I disagree. First of all, it’s not that simple. Secondly, I think it places the emphasis in the wrong place. So instead, here is my Hierarchy for Fat Loss.


Menopause and the Female Hormones

The Female Hormones To understand the changes that occur in the peri- and post-menopause phase, it is important to understand the normal female cycle and


On Happiness

Today we’re going to venture into the psychology of Happiness. It’s an area I’m really interested in… Reason: Happiness is associated with better physical and