
Weight Loss

The Truth about of Fat Loss: Understanding the Hierarchy

The oft-quoted maxim for the fitness industry is “move more – eat less” to lose fat. But, for a change, I disagree. First of all, it’s not that simple. Secondly, I think it places the emphasis in the wrong place. So instead, here is my Hierarchy for Fat Loss.

nutrition myths

Tор 4 Nutrition Mуthѕ

Nutrition is a mess. There is so much information and so much conflicting advice. It’s really hard to know what’s truth or what’s myth. Or worse marketing cr@p?

Read on!

Standing on the scales

Chris, I’m Doing Everything Right……

Chris, I’m Doing Everything Right…… But I’m not losing any weight…I hear this many times, unfortunately. And there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re doing it all but not getting the results.A number of things might be happening. So let’s explore them:


Banish the Snack

It’s the first day of half term as I write this. And already I’ve had enough of the requests for snacks. Here’s my problem: Child:


How to beat sleep deprivation hunger

I’m sure you all know how hard it is to eat well when you’re tired. Been out last night? Baby kept you up? Chances are you spend today rummaging the cupboards and looking for all of the carbs! But do you understand why? It’s all to do with your hormones. Lack of sleep causes disruption to your hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin. These 2 hormones play an important role in controlling appetite and satiety.


Porridge Ideas

Want to jazz up your breakfasts? I love a porridge breakfast in the Autumn. Here’s some of my favourites to inspire your breakfasts… Most can