Get Strong… You’ll like it
Strength training is important. I bang on about it. Muscle mass. Bone density. You know. But what we don’t talk about enough is that it just
Strength training is important. I bang on about it. Muscle mass. Bone density. You know. But what we don’t talk about enough is that it just
5 Reasons you should take your workout outdoors We might have a few chilly, wet weeks ahead of us, but the benefit of exercising out
I was having a conversation with a friend recently. She’s a new mum and is keen to “get her old body back”. Hands up if
Have you ever noticed that in our lives, we often end up sabotaging our own progress? Have you ever done something, and then thought “why on earth did I just do that”?
If you’ve ever seen me in the park with my group, we will almost always have kettlebells that we use to add resistance to our
I have this running joke in my group training sessions… I prescribe yet another set of lunges and squats. And joke,: “You’ll thank me when
Help! I’m no longer sore after a workout
You know how it goes. You start a new regime and after the first session you are just so sore… but as the sessions progress, the total soreness start to fade. Until sometimes you’re not sore at all and you begin to wonder?… what does it mean if I’m not sore after a workout?
I get it – many people associate sore muscles with a good workout. So does it mean that if you’re not sore – it wasn’t a good workout?
Not at all!
The good, better, best continuum is something I mention quite a lot. So I decided it deserves a whole blog post to itself.
We should see all health and fitness choices (and possibly life too!) as lying on a continuum, with Poor choices on one end and Best Choices on the other end…
Whenever you want to make a change in your life, you shouldn’t aim for the “end” or “best” point straight away. Or the perfect outcome. Rather you should aim for the Next Logical Step-Up from wherever you are RIGHT NOW.
So, if for example you wanted to get fitter, the continuum might look something like this.
This Exercise is BAD for you The ONE exercise you should never do Are you still doing crunches? Foam rolling is useless. Running is bad
At a recent session, the topic of sports bras came up and I was challenged to write about it. Here’s the way these blogs normally