How to Avoid Peri-Menopause Weight Gain
Today we’re talking menopause. Specifically: is it normal to put on weight during the Peri Menopause phase? Well, yes and no. It’s true that during
Today we’re talking menopause. Specifically: is it normal to put on weight during the Peri Menopause phase? Well, yes and no. It’s true that during
The oft-quoted maxim for the fitness industry is “move more – eat less” to lose fat. But, for a change, I disagree. First of all, it’s not that simple. Secondly, I think it places the emphasis in the wrong place. So instead, here is my Hierarchy for Fat Loss.
Start with this question: Why DO you drink red or green top milk? And a similarly, for any other low-fat choices… Why do you pick
I was having a conversation with a friend recently. She’s a new mum and is keen to “get her old body back”. Hands up if
Have you ever noticed that in our lives, we often end up sabotaging our own progress? Have you ever done something, and then thought “why on earth did I just do that”?
I’m sure you all know how hard it is to eat well when you’re tired. Been out last night? Baby kept you up? Chances are you spend today rummaging the cupboards and looking for all of the carbs! But do you understand why? It’s all to do with your hormones. Lack of sleep causes disruption to your hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin. These 2 hormones play an important role in controlling appetite and satiety.
The news and my social media these last couple of weeks have been full of these sorts of messages: 48% of respondents to a UK
What is the best exercise for fat loss? We’ve had this question a few times in our sessions recently. [TL:DR] Exercise to build muscle and strength
Strange times we’re living through right now. But if you’re stuck at home, give one of these workouts a go for an instant boost.
I really do. And it’s not just because the cold and dark. It’s because as a fitness person, it’s supposed to be a high peak month. I’m supposed to cash in on the desperate new-Resolutioners. I’m supposed to have lots of content telling people to join my group or my courses. And my social media feeds are of course full of people telling me to buy their products, join their courses, or their groups…
There’s nothing wrong with this of course. Sellers gotta sell. But there’s a lot of messaging that really winds my up. I spend my time scrolling past adverts / posts going “ugh” and “ffs”….