Why You Should Break Up with your Gym this January

Why You Should Break Up with your Gym this January

Here we go again. It’s the New Year and love it or hate it, everyone will be looking for ways to improve their health, lose additional weight gained over the holidays, get fit. Often the starting point for many of us is to join a gym and resolve to go there 2,3,4 times a week.

But why we do it every year? Year after year? Because inevitably, we are failing. We are not getting fitter, or losing the weight, and yet come January 1, we will make the same resolution and expect a different result.

That’s why we’re suggesting that this year you should break up with the gym. Yes, you heard that right. It is a dead-end relationship which ends up with you:

  • Wasting money
  • Feeling guilty when you see the monthly direct debit on your statement
  • Not achieving the goals you set

The gym doesn’t care about you! Its whole business model is dependent on you not showing up! When everyone does show up (like in January) the place is heaving, overcrowded and smelly!

So instead of doing what you’ve always done, it’s time to look around for a better option. Play the field and find a relationship that works for you!

  • Try something that you’ve always wanted to try: like an outdoor bootcamp. Most places will have trial classes in January so you don’t need to commit to a long term relationship until you’re sure!
  • Sign up to a challenge: it might be a 5 km or a colour run. Something that inspires you to move everyday! Fitness shouldn’t be a chore…
  • Find a kindred community. It’s so much easier to workout when you’ve got a great group of people around you. We run a fantastic mums’ group training session. It actually makes exercise fun! Plus, knowing you’ll have support and motivation around you will help you through the rest of the cold and dreary winter.

You’ll know you’ve found a perfect relationship fit when you find a fitness partner that is rooted in your success, one who cares whether you turn up or not, and someone who goes above and beyond your expectations.

So don’t join a gym this January. And if you’re currently locked in a dead-end relationship with your gym, ditch it. Let them know: it’s not me, it’s you, and enjoy the experience of finding a fitness relationship that works for you.



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