The PHI Nutrition Programme

Healthy fats including avocado and salmon

Let’s start with the name!
PHI stands for Post- Holiday-Programme (or Pre-Holiday) and it typically runs 3 or 4 times a year, before or after major holidays.

It’s pronounced as per the Greek letter φ or “fie” as in “tie” or “sigh”…

Now that’s cleared up, let’s get on with the actual important stuff, yes?


So, what is it all about? 

It is a Nutrition Programme and in short, it is an 8 week effort to focus on ourselves and our nutrition.

So it’s 8 weeks to really focus on:

  1. Nutrition: What do we eat? What should we eat? And why…
  2. Mindset: why do we do the things we do? What is holding us back? How can we change this? (Clients who have been on one of my Nutrition programmes will tell you THIS is a super important part of the process.)
  3. Habits: which habits are  working for you? Which ones need ditching? And how do we go about ditching them?

You will get…

1. Knowledge: Yes I know there’s plenty of info out there. But hopefully, if you’re reading this you already know and trust me. This is important. Because too much info is as bad as none at all. And often I find that clients are stuck and confused by too muchm often conflicting, info out there… So I’ll give you useful, bite sized bits of information!
2. Homework: Don’t worry it’s not much. But there are things I’ll need you to reflect on, to write down on paper, to feed back to me…
3. Accountability: Oh yes. You’ll need to tell me what you’re consuming. And I will comment on it! We’ll make plans based on your objectives and I’ll hold you accountable to them!
4. Inspiration: I have a some brilliant recipes and meal plans to share with you!
5. 121s: This will be over coffee or skype. And the aim is to dig deeper into your motivations and objectives, to personalise you plan. And to work through and any issues or challenge.

Is it a detox / a juice diet / a cleanse / a shake diet?

Nope, it’s none of these.

We will be eating normal food, just a better version of our normal food. There will be recipes and meal plans that are recommended but totally optional. The objective of these recipes and meal plans is to help you understand what you should be eating. But I totally get that you might not like my particular flavour of stuff. So, totally optional.

Oh and the only shakes I’d ever recommend you to have is a protein shake as a supplement to up your total protein intake… Because protein rocks (you’ll hear more about this!)

Is it right for me?

Well that depends on you, really… It IS for you if:

… the holidays have totally broken your routine and you’ve gone a bit too cray-cray on the sugar and junk…

… or if you feel a bit stuck and you need some motivation, accountability and or even some plain talking!

… or you don’t have much to lose, but dang, you just can’t seem to shift it!

… or you’re not really overweight but you struggle to eat healthy meals and mostly survive on coffee and biscuits…

… or you’ve tried every diet under the sun and although they work for a while, inevitably the weight comes back on again…

… or you’re totally confused as to whether carbs are good or bad, whether you should be fasting or eating 6 meals a day, whether fat is good or bad, whether you should do vegan, primal, gluten-free, weight-watchers, keto, or any other of the 50 million diet options out there…

In short, the Programme is perfect if you want to get back on track, lose weight, and feel great, WITHOUT crazy diets and ‘tricks.’

I’m really busy. Will it take much time?

In short, it will need some time commitment. You will need to:

  •  Spend time on things like planning meals, shopping, preparing meals.
  •  You will need time to go through the weekly “lessons” and “homework”. This will normally take the form of an email with things to do. Like set goals or reflect on a particular topic. Nothing too extensive. But time is required nonetheless.
  •  You will also need to check in (online) at least once a week.

So, see? Nothing to exhausting.

But you will need to bump your needs up the priority ladder a bit! surely you’re worth it?

Will I need to exercise?

Yes! Either workout with me. Or I will provide home workouts for you. Target is 3 times per week minimum.

OK, I’m really interested. What should I do?

Well, we kick off on in earnest on Monday 29th April. So make sure that I know you’re in and just wait for further instructions!

And, yes, there is a cost! The programme costs £99. And warning, next time round the price is going up dramatically!

So if you’re in, let me know….

Last round we had 12 people on board and that was a good number…

PS If you’ve been on one of the nutrition courses before but want a bit of a freshen up and get some renewed accountability, I have something just for you coming up!


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