Fast and Furious Bodyweight Workout

Fast and Furious Bodyweight workout

Working out doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. Here’s a fast and furious session you can complete


Warm up:

Complete each exercise for 30 seconds

  • Bodyweight Squat
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Reverse Lunges
  • Ice skaters



Set a timer for 40 seconds ON and 20 seconds REST

  1. Squat Wider Jump
  2. Squat Lunge Twist
  3. Alternate Touchdowns
  4. Sprinter Skips
  5. Round the World Lunges
  6. Standing Long Jump and Hops Back
  7. In Out Squats.

Rest when you’ve completed the set until your HR and breathing is back to normal. Approx 3 min

Repeat 2 to 3 times.

 Simples. Actually it’s not. It’s a bit of a killer but it’s over in 18 or 25 minutes (depending on how many repeats you do!)



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