The ONE thing you should be doing before starting a new health and fitness regime…

The ONE thing you should be doing before starting a new health and fitness regime…


And I guarantee you’re not doing it…


It’s easy at this time of the year to hop onto another diet fad. Join the gym. Promise yourself this time it will work. Go keto, go vegan, do fasting, WW. Whatever. It sounds perfect. It promises results. So you sign up. This year it will be different.


But the one thing you should do before signing up to anything is talk to me. Cos I’m brilliant… *eye rolls emoticon* I’m kidding. Building suspense. Cos actually the ONE thing is so simple…


So here goes.


The one thing you should do is hold an internal review of what happened last time you went on a similar mission. What did you do? Did it work? If so, then what bits are you going to keep? What did you enjoy? Can you do more of that? What changes can adopt to make it even better?


If, on the other hand, it did it not work, why not? Was it too hard? Too boring? Did you lose motivation? Were your expectations realistic?


What did you learn? What lessons can you take forward into your new regime to make it more likely to be successful?


See, I told you it’s simple. But you’re probably not doing it. Instead we hop from fad to fad. We’re impatient. We set unrealistic targets. And we give up.


I include myself in this. Last year I said I wanted to run 13.5 for 100m. I ran 13.8… So I’ve done my own internal review too. And I’m certainly not giving up. Or hopping to another sport!


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