- What’s the best time to train?
- What’s the best exercise for fat loss?
- What’s the best diet to follow?
- What’s the best supplement to use?
- Should I train fasted?
- How many calories should I eat?
- Should I cut carbs out of my diet?
- Should I try IF / Ketogenic / South Beach / Raw foods / bla bla diet
- And on and on.
And most of the time I try to answer them.
So here’s my one answer for all of these questions.
It doesn’t matter.
Because for 99.9% of us, it’s the wrong question to be asking.
Because unless you already…
- train regularly (4 x a week) focussing primarily on lifting heavy stuff
- prioritise your sleep and consistently get 8 hours or more per night
- eat a varied, nutritious diet consistently with plenty of protein and vegetables
- avoid alcohol most of the time
- walk regularly (weekly average step count >70k)
- and have done each of the above consistently for 6-8 weeks or more.
Then all of these questions are just distractions.
Distractions from actually “doing” what needs to be done to see improvements.
Everything else is detail, which simply causes distractions and confusion. Ignore all the FB posts, the magazine articles, the latest fads promising you that “this is the one thing that will fix” whatever problem you’re looking to fix…
And simply get on with achieving the above list. Consistently. For several weeks.
And if you can genuinely say you’ve been doing the above and not seeing progress, then we look at further detail! And you’re welcome to get in touch and I’ll help you out!