Reasons to Exercise

I realise I’ve been banging on about nutrition and fat loss alot recently. So today I want to spend time on the top reasons to work out (that have nothing to do with weight-loss!)

Adults are recommended to take part in at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each week. But only about half of women in the 35-54 bracket are actually achieving that.

So it’s worth reminding, that there are a whole suite of benefits to reap!

Helps you feel happier!

Exercise has been shown to improve your mood and decrease feelings of stress, depression and anxiety. During exercise your brain creates endorphins which literally are your happy hormones. Particularly if you’re working out in a group – the sense of belonging and the sense of being in it together is really something that lifts you up. Many a woman has turned up to a session grumpy and fed up. And left feeling much much better (having had a grumble and a laugh!)

Decreases risk of chronic disease.

Regular exercise has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, heart health, and can also decrease blood pressure. As a result it can help reduce or prevent chronic health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, many types of cancer or hypertension:

Helps you feel more energised.

Feeling too tired to exercise? It might sound counter-intuitive but exercise can help with that! One study found that 6 weeks of regular exercise reduced feelings of fatigue for 36 people who had reported persistent fatigue

Improves focus and cognitive function.

Exercise has been shown to cause the hippocampus to grow. That’s the part of the brain which controls memory and learning. So it may improve mental function (or to hold on to that which you’ve got!) IT has been shown to reduce changes in the brain that can contribute to conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

I help you guys keep your brain cells working by sometimes expecting you to remember 4 yes four consecutive exercises. Often I make you count backward in 3s too!!

Improves sleep.

Because guess what when you deplete energy from your system you sleep better! Several studies have shown this to be true and it improves sleep duration, sleep quality as well how quickly you fall asleep!

Increases lean tissue and bone density

Super important for women our age… This helps us to continue to be active as we age as well as reducing the risk of injury.

Helps ease pain!

Again this might sound counter-intuitive but exercise can help with pain! It improves your posture and flexibility. It literally lubricates your joints. And those endorphins we spoke about earlier – they also help numb pain.

Boosts your immune system

Chronic inflammation wreaks havoc on our bodies and many of us have more inflammation than ideal due to our poor diets or chronic stress!

Guess what fights inflammation?

That’s right. Exercise.

Makes friends!

Yup I’m so proud that we’re more than just an exercise class, we’re a community. It’s lovely to see many friendships form via Melita (and it regularly involves the pub!!)

What are you waiting for?

If you’re one of that 50% who doesn’t get enough exercise in the week, I hope I’ve given you some compelling reasons to get started!!

Have I missed any? Let me know in the comments…

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