My GO-TO Workout Routine

We all need a quick workout routine. The workout routine for when you haven’t been able to make it to your class. For when you haven’t enough time to go to the gym. Or for when your day has run away from you and it’s 8pm and the kids are finally asleep.

Here it is. My quick workout routine..

Kettlebell Workout

  • Swings x 10-15 reps*
  • Thrusters x 5-8 reps each side
  • Deadlift x 10-15 reps
  • Single Arm Row x 10 reps each side
  • Squats x 10-15 reps

Move quickly from one exercise to the next. Rest 2-3 min. Then repeat 3-4 times in total.

*Why the rep range I hear you ask? Well, this short and sweet workout is only going to be effective if you challenge yourself. So choose a rep range that works with the kettlebells you own and your level of fitness. Make sure it’s challenging. You should feel like you absolutely cannot squeeze another rep out at the end of each exercise.

Got it?

PS The video is sped up in parts!



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